Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.
You are invited to take part in a worship experience open to all ages. Children join us for the first 15 minutes, share a “conversation” with the Children Youth and Family Director and Minister, and then are invited to attend our church school. Classes are available for children from toddlers to high school. The Nursery is open if you wish to take your infant out.
Our adult choir and occasionally our band involve us all in a wide variety of musical experiences. This service usually attracts 150 people. Each week we are encouraged to reflect on God’s call to us in scripture, allow the Spirit to engage us, and guide us to live as followers of Christ in our world. Please plan to join us after the service for fellowship and a cup of coffee/tea or a glass of juice.
We continue to live stream our worship services online through YouTube.
Please CLICK HERE to join.
If you would like to stay connected with our community of faith, we encourage you to sign up for our emails. Please contact our Office Administrator to get onto our mailing list.