
Giving to Kanata United Church


Kanata United Church is the home of many ministries. For example:

  • Some of us visit the sick and the shut-ins.
  • Some of us meet weekly for Bible study.
  • We are blessed by the presence of 3 youth and children’s choirs.
  • Each spring break, youth and adults travel to Virginia to volunteer for a Habitat for Humanity project.
  • We offer space weekly to the Kanata Kareer Group for the unemployed, and several other community groups.
  • We support refugee families and orphans overseas.
  • We support many community groups such as the Kanata Food Cupboard and the Kanata Stittsville Refugee Sponsorship Group.

You can participate in our ministries by telling us which talents and gifts you can offer to our congregation   Click to Email 

If you are considering a financial donation, we want you to know that we follow the same principle in our church budget that we recommend for everyone: right from the start, we budget part of our total income to help others (well over 10% in the case of KUC). Some supports community organizations around the Ottawa region, and some supports the United Church of Canada, which in turn budgets over 10% of its income to help those in need in Canada and worldwide.

Pre-Authorized Remittance

You may prefer to give regularly and conveniently using PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) by clicking on the PAR link below and completing a PAR form. Mail it or drop it off to our office administrator Andrea Wilmott, in an envelope addressed to Joan Brown, Envelope Secretary.  

E- Transfer

It is now possible to transfer funds directly to KUC through your online banking service, Interact e-Transfer.

To do so you need to set up KUC as a payee using  as the email address. 

In the Message line, add your Name and the Purpose of the Funds, and for a charitable receipt add your envelope number or home address.

Note: A security question and answer are not required we have enabled Auto Deposit of funds.

Canada Helps

You may also donate online using a credit card by clicking on one of the the Donate buttons below. Online donations are processed by CanadaHelps. All you need is a valid credit card. You will have to supply your name and address, which we need so we can send you a donation receipt.

If you have special instructions, such as the name of the person for whom a memorial donation is being made, or a particular United Church fund where you want to direct your donation, on the bottom of the donation page there is a box to “INCLUDE A MESSAGE FOR THIS CHARITY”.

Donate Now Through!

Gift of Securities

Give the gift of stocks and mutual funds. Making a gift of securities to Kanata United Church (KUC) is a way to give that is meaningful and beneficial to all parties. You may choose to transfer ownership of stock, mutual funds, or other publicly-listed securities to KUC, who will then sell them and gratefully use the resulting proceeds to support the life and work of the church. 

When you make a gift of stocks or mutual funds to KUC, you are making a larger gift than if you had sold the securities yourself and donated the resulting money to KUC. This is because the government does not collect capital gains taxes on securities that have been given to charitable organizations. And you receive a tax receipt reflecting the full market value of your securities at the time of their donation to the church. 

 For more information, please contact 

Kanata United Church is a Canadian charity, charitable registration number 118977610RR0001.
Tax receipts will be issued at year-end for donations of $20 or more.