
KUC Council

About KUC Council

The Council leads, supports and nurtures the congregation in its vision as a Christian faith community. As such, it is the decision-making body of KUC, and as such it conducts all business, governance, direction and approvals regarding the life and work of KUC on behalf of the congregation. The council meets the third Tuesday of every month except July and August at 7 pm on Zoom or in person. All are welcome to attend the meetings.

Kanata United Church Terms of Reference can be found here.

Council Minutes

The approved minutes for our KUC Council meetings may be found here.

Communicating with KUC Council 

We encourage communicating with KUC Council and we recognize that sometimes it is not clear what area of KUC Council one should ask questions or provide comments or share feedback with. 

In order to ensure Council can be reached directly, and in a manner that does not burden those dedicated to serving in this leadership role, we invite members of the KUC community to share any correspondence by email at: 

These emails will be received for information and addressed in a timely manner with all non-urgent matters being addressed at our regularly scheduled meetings. 

KUC Council Members

Minister: Rev. Cindy Casey

Chair: Julia Duffy

Past Chair: 

Co-Chairs Elect: Robert Ashton, Clara Freire 

Secretary: Al Quirt

Building & Grounds: Ed Goodridge, representative

Christian Development: Sue Davidson

Communications: Al Quirt

Finance: Kathy Beamish

Member-at-Large: Kathleen Turner, Marilyn Wong

Ministry & Personnel: Jan Chanter

Outreach: Donna Caron, representative

Trustees: Kathi Campbell, representative (non-voting)

Worship: Brenda Beattie

Youth Member-at-Large:

Regional Rep:  Al Quirt, Kathleen Turner

Council vacancies are filled annually in February at the Annual General Meeting. You can communicate with ">Council directly if you are interested in volunteering.