About the Organ
Today, the organ is a staple of our congregational worship at Kanata United Church, and is used at each service as a solo instrument, and to support congregational singing. Redesigned and built by Guilbault-Thérien in 1994. The console is electric, with acoustic pipes situated at the center of the chancel in the sanctuary.
Organ Stops/Features
- 8’ Salicional
- 8’ Stopped Diapason
- 4’ Geigen Octave
- 4’ Rohr Flute
- 2’ Piccolo
- 8’ Oboe
- Tremolo (affects only the swell stops)
- 8’ Principal
- 8’ Bourdon
- 4’ Octave
- 2’ Super-Octave
- III Mixture
- 16’ Sub-Bass
- 8’ Principal
- 8’ Bourdon
- 4’ Octave
- 5 Swell Thumb Pistons
- 5 Great and Pedal Thumb Pistons
- 5 General Thumb and Toe Pistons
- Tutti Piston with LED display
- Swell to Great (Stop, Thumb)
- Swell to Pedal (Stop, Thumb, Toe)
- Great to Pedal (Stop, Tumbe, Toe)
Other Features
- Crescendo Pedal with LED display