Kanata United Church is an Affirming Ministry

Since 2021, KUC is part of a network of faith communities that proudly declare the full inclusion of all people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.  We acknowledge and consider our way of being in the world, aware of places of privilege and exclusion, known and unknown, that require our attention, so we can truly, authentically extend ourselves fully and lovingly to all.

Our Affirming Statement

We celebrate diversity by inviting the full participation of people with many identities into the life and work of Kanata United Church, irrespective of gender identity, sexual orientation, culture, age, race, disability, socio-economic status or previous faith or non-faith experience.

We strive to be an inclusive community as an Affirming Congregation within the United Church of Canada, that welcomes everyone with open arms, minds and hearts into our accessible and safe space.


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, intersex, asexual and more!

Kanata United Church is a Safe and Positive Space

We encourage everyone to just be themselves. Everyone who comes into our building for whatever reason will feel welcomed and accepted and experience an atmosphere that is free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, exploitation or intimidation. Behaviour that is contrary to being open and inclusive is not tolerated.

Contact Us

The Affirm Team is always looking for allies and new ideas – please reach us at

Our Affirming Journey Blog is available at http://affirmkuc.blogspot.com/?m=0

Affirm United

More information, national events and resources may be found at https://affirmunited.ause.ca/

Affirming in the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council https://eoorc.ca/ministries/affirming-in-the-eoorc/