Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization
Remit 1: Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization has passed. The National Indigenous Council, 16 regional councils, and 80% of pastoral charges in The United Church of Canada participated in the vote on Remit 1: Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization.
In response, the National Indigenous Council shares their vision statement with the whole church. They offer words of thanks for all who have brought the church to this moment, and state their commitment to moving forward together on the path of Right Relations.
Statement from the National Indigenous Council on the Results of Remit 1: Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization
We, the National Indigenous Council, are a diverse group of Indigenous Peoples, rooted in distinct innate values and wisdom. We:
- carry a common vision and dream
- respect everyone’s story
- care for one another
- uphold community
- build positive relationships.
We thank our Ancestors and All Our Relations who have brought us to this moment.
We are all spirit first.
The work of Right Relations continues.
We commit to moving forward together in a good way.
Presented to the Congregation of KUC Nov. 26, 2023
I am pleased to announce that your KUC Council has voted YES to a vote (called a remit) where every governing body in the United Church of Canada was called on to make a decision. We are saying YES to removing obstacles to the establishment of an autonomous National Indigenous Organization within the United Church of Canada.
With this YES we say “welcome” to the many Indigenous members. Instead of singing, “Sit down. You’re rocking the boat” we’re singing, “Come in and sit down. You are a part of the family.”
This is what we are saying YES to:
Our Indigenous brothers and sisters in faith –
You have been heard and you are respected. We trust you to follow your traditions and your visions of the future, how you see fit, within the United Church of Canada.
In 2024 we will hear if a majority of other churches have also voted YES.
~K. Turner
Resources Available:
1. Indigenous Christian Rev. Murray Pruden was the guest editor of the Broadview Indigenous Vision Special issue. He responds to the question, “Why do you participate in a church or follow the Christian religion?” in a one page introduction to the issue.