Music & Arts
KUC’s primary instrument is the singing voice of the congregation, which reflects the diversity of our history and contexts as well as our visions for the future. We use the hymns and liturgies of Voices United and More Voices as our primary source of congregation song.
Though guest musicians are a regular part of our worship, our main accompaniment is on a 14-stop Legge/Guilbault-Therien pipe organ and a Young Chang grand piano.
As a congregation, we are committed to the expression of faith through music and the arts. In addition to weekly worship, our music ministry includes special events, such as Carols, Candles & Cookies evening and pageant at Christmas, and a spring musical on a biblical them.
We hope you will be a part of these vibrant opportunities.
Director of Music/Organist – Nicholas Busch
Organist Emerita – Sally Duke